I got my 1989 corolla jump cable reversed and it won't start.
I got new battery and replaced a 10 amp under dashboard fuse. All the engine compartment fuses are OK. Head lights and emergency light can be turned on. But not the interior dome light. No light on the instrument panel except the bettery light. No solenoid clicking sound nor any other sound.
What shall I check at this point? And how?
Thank you in advance.
Reply 1 : Jump cable reversed
not knocking ya but did u check the once right on the pos. battery pole cable? double check all the fuses in the engine bay and in the kick panel related or not, never know. also look into relays not sure, not much experience in electrical but thats what i would start with. hopefully someone with a bit more knowhow can shime in.
Reply 2 : Jump cable reversed
Check the three fusible links on positive battery cable. Disconnect cable from battery . To remove the links the bottom of holder opens up and each one is secured in place with screws which complete the electrical connection for each circuit that is protected. Check them with an ohmeter. Advance carries replacements. Most auto parts stores should as well.
Reply 3 : Jump cable reversed
I think you blew the ECU... if you changed everything possible after the booboo and it still doesn't start, chances are the ECU is gone.
keep checking fuses, you might even have to replace them all... how about the relays? you may have blown a relay.
Reply 4 : Jump cable reversed
I replaced both pos and neg battery cables. But same.
How do I check relays?
Reply 5 : Jump cable reversed
The way i do this is by taking a long peace of vacuum hose and having someone turn know the circuit to a particular relay i.e. Turn signals relay to turn signals and holding one peace of the hose to the relay and the other to my ear like headphones. If its working u should hear it clicking. Or u could use a stetascope or however u spell that doctor thing to listen to ur heart..... ::-D:
anyone have better idea. A multimeter may work if u have one
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